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Status Orange weather alert for Clare

19 August 2020

Clare County Council has issued a weather warning in advance of forecasted storm conditions this evening and tonight and during the early part of Thursday.

Status Orange Weather Alert

Met Éireann has issued an Orange Alert for Clare, the second-highest level of alert that the agency can issue.

Storm Ellen will track over Ireland this evening and tonight, bringing severe and damaging winds. Met Éireann has warned that heavy rainfall and storm surge will result in some flooding.

Storm Ellen is expected to be an exceptional storm for this time of year, and Clare County Council is advising members of the public to exercise caution. People should stay away from coastal areas and Met Eireann has further advised that there should be no camping during an Orange Alert. Business owners, caravan parks, homeowners and members of the public are advised that caravans should be securely tied down and any street furniture, including parasols and awnings, should be taken indoors or fully secured.

Motorists should drive with caution and be alert for any debris on roads. There is a possibility of flash flooding.

There are particular risks during storms on high ground and people are asked to avoid being outdoors at such locations.

Heavy rainfall is forecast for tonight and over the coming days. According to Met Éireann, heavy and thundery showers are expected on Thursday and wet and windy weather is expected for the rest of the week, with more showery conditions for the weekend and further rain on Monday.

The Status Orange Wind Warning is in place for all of Munster as well as Counties Galway and Mayo from 21:00 on Wednesday, 19th August, to 06:00 on Thursday, 20th August.

Members of the public wishing to report storm damage of an emergency nature are advised to ring the emergency services on 999. 

Page last reviewed: 19/08/20

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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